

Perhaps you’re getting in tiptop shape through running, or biking, with a combination of free weights and yoga because you want to make your heart stronger or your spine more limber, so that you can live long.

Maybe you’re just trying to raise your economic status in the world, by making more money, so that you can take better care of your family and yourself and contribute gifts to people and causes that you love and believe in.

Or, you might want to develop a stronger, more clear and present, relationship with the God of your own understanding and you know that, throughout history, men have surrendered their sexual desires, for a finite period of time, to get closer to their conception and practice of God.

Maybe it’s something ugly like you’re in a child custody case, and you need to be powerful and clear, tender to the child, and yet sensitive to the other party’s needs.

Perhaps you’re writing some challenging music that you enjoy, or reading difficult books, or something silly like….studying the Bass Flute.