
Chastity...The Door

While there are many, many things to do to become enlightened, to walk through that door, for me, with my mindset...I can only enter through chastity.

If it is true that:
“As we are, so are the times”  and  “As with the body, so with the Universe”,

Then why would I not put “Self-care” through exercise and diet, after my sexual sobriety, as my number one priority?

Religion's Sayings on Chastity

I have found the "Pearl of great price"

I have found the "Kingdom of God"

I have found the "Kingdom of heaven"

I have found "Eternal life"

I am no longer a "House divided"

I am no longer a "Kingdom divided"

I am no longer "Serving two masters"

"Free at last, free at last...Thank God Almighty, I'm free at last!"


Chastity...And Repose


I have done it. Through decades of self purification I have achieved peace of mind through accepting, three hours at a time “Sex only to Create Children”

Thank you Lord. It is enough for me. I have no more of the merciless self-demanding perfectionism that has tormented me.

My very highest goal is to take sexual energy and transmute it into service for others.

Help me not become confused or doubtful around this goal.

I must fight for my chastity, when necessary:

Strive for absolute honesty

Strive for absolute purity

Strive for absolute love

Strive for absolute unselfishness

And be merciful and forgiving when I fall short of absolute perfection